Need More Character

The Kinky Peanut

The Kinky Peanut Portrait

Typorganism is a web-based project focused on Interactive Kinetic Typography and communal interactivity.  Typorganism started up with the belief that “Type is an Organism”.  The belief in which type on the internet is a living life-form should not be hard to grasp.  Since the birth of type, it had a main focus of conveying a very important message to the users.  In a sense it stimulates them to either read your message or possibly purchase a tangiable good.  Typorganism conducts a series of online comunicational experiments which begins to explore the adverse affects of computer interation Design.  These Images were derived from a simple jpeg image with a 60 x 50 pixel width and height.  The outcome is simply amazing.  Check out a few other images compiled by Typorganism’s ASCII-O-Matic.

President Barrack Obama

Portrait of a JILLianaire

To Enhance your boring image and give it a little more character, try Typorganism.
Read more about typography “Periodic Table of Typefaces” featured on kinky peanuts.